The Pool Boys offer Total Care Weekly Pool Service in League City, Clear Lake, Friendswood, Pearland and the immediate area. We provide a premium weekly pool cleaning service for $299.99 plus tax per month, including chemicals and labor for most pools*. Our Total Care Startup is $199.99 plus tax and includes an OnSite meeting with our Maintenance Tech to go over your pools specific needs, a complete Filter Clean Service, and a Full Equipment Inspection. If you're looking for Total Care for your swimming pool, give us a call at 832-473-5715.

The Pool Boys take pride in our team and the services we provide. The Pool Boys is a member of the CYA Smart Alliance and many of our techs are PCC-R Certified through the Pool Chemistry Training Institute. We provide our techs the tools, training and support they need to provide you with an excellent pool service each week. Give The Pool Boys a call at 832-473-5715 to get started.
- On site meeting with our Maintenance Tech to discuss your pool’s specific needs and expectations
- Full water test analysis of your pool water
- Initial chemical balancing and recommendations to bring your pool to our baseline standard
- Filter Clean Service
- Complete Equipment Inspection
- Weekly Pool Service by Qualified Technician
- Water Test Weekly and Balance Chemicals as Needed
- Net Debris from Surface
- Brush Steps and Walls
- Vacuum Floor as Needed
- Empty Skimmer and Pump Baskets
- Empty Cleaner Bag/Basket
- Equipment Monitoring
- Backwashing of Filter as Needed
- Email Customer Water Test Results and Before/After Images of Pool Each Week